Wednesday 20 January 2010

Yo, happy new year and everything.

So, I've had this blog a while and not done anything with it, but 2010 is my time to be pro-active and get my shit together and get the fuck out of the crappy phone sales jobs I've been slumming it in for the past few years and try and start an apprenticeship as a tattooer. Now I'm aware every shitheel kid with their hands and neck tattooed out there wants in on the industry right now, but I'd like to think I am set apart from them, not only because I'm getting fucking old, but because I have a deep love and respect for tattooing and its history... but nevermind that, let's let my work speak for itself huh? Me and my girlfriend are taking a massive chance on moving back to Cornwall for me to get somewhere with this, putting ourselves over 15k in debt and fucking off a pretty cushty life in Bristol, so fingers crossed I can cut it and not fuck it up...

Thanks to anyone who follows me and takes the time to read - hopefully I can keep you entertained and impressed with my mad skills. Go vegan and drink proper cider.

Here's a few things I've done over the past few days;


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